Anyone can fly in lucid dreams
Being able to fly is something we've all imagined doing since we were kids. There's just something magical about it. It symbolizes what we admire most in life; independence, travel, freedom, adventure, and excitement.
Flying is probably the most popular activity among lucid dreamers for good reason. Whether we are traveling across a dreamscape, evading danger, or going for a joyride; flying in lucid dreams satisfies pleasures that waking life simply cannot.
Unlike real life where most skills require both mental and physical ability, lucid dreaming only requires the mental aspect. It's literally "mind over matter". Therefore, if you fully believe you can can.
To get to a point where you can fly effortlessly, you must be able to free your mind of any limitations it has. If you are struggling, dig deep to find what is holding you back. Be honest and ask yourself:
Release any resistance, reassure yourself, and imagine yourself successfully flying.
Some lucid dreamers are able to take flight on their first attempt and never look back. If you aren't one of them, that's fine...neither was I. Here are some practical tips to help you get off the ground in no time:
Now that you're ready to fly, how do you do it? Here are some of the many different ways to take flight:
Q: My flying only lasts a few seconds before I wake up. How do I make it last longer?
A: This problem is very common. It's actually a result of getting too excited. Learn how to stay calm and prolong your lucid dreams.
Q: I start to fly in lucid dreams, but find myself slowly sinking back to the ground like a deflating balloon. How do I stop this?
A: If you find that you can't fly very well, it might be a problem of having only partial lucidity. In order to fly with full control you must increase your level of lucidity. Do this by concentrating on your hands until everything snaps into crystal clear focus.
Q: Even though it's a dream, I'm still scared that I'll fall from a great height. How do I get past this fear?
A: Realize that there is actually no law of gravity in the dream world. You may perceive gravity in your dreams, but that is simply a construct of your mind. If it helps, tell dream version of Isaac Newton to shove that apple "up" his you-know-what!