Mind Awake Body Asleep is a state in which your body is asleep while your mind remains conscious and alert. It’s typically achieved through focused awareness, although some people experience it involuntarily. This state is desirable for oneironauts because it can be used to transition into wonderful Wake Induced Lucid Dreams (WILDs).
Think of it as state of consciousness in-between asleep and awake. You’re not fully awake because you can’t move your body, but you’re not fully asleep either. It can happen be attained in the process of falling asleep or waking up.
The mind and body fall asleep separate from each other, one after the other. As you fall asleep, your body sends signals to your brain to see if you are still awake. A signal might simply be the urge to turn over or scratch an itch. When you respond to that urge by moving or tensing up, your body knows that you are still awake.
Only when you are fully relaxed and no longer respond to these urges will your body fall asleep. If your mind is able to “trick” your body (intentionally or unintentionally) into falling asleep by ignoring these signals and remaining alert at the same time, you will enter into a state of Mind Awake Body Asleep.
When you wake up into a state of Mind Awake Body Asleep, it means that your mind found a way to "wake up" before your body. Since your brain is very active during REM sleep (which is the lightest state of sleep), you can see how this might happen.
It is much harder to consciously enter into Mind Awake Body Asleep upon awakening. Usually, the only way to achieve this is by training yourself in becoming more aware of the sensations and imagery of waking up, also called the hypnopompic state.
It is not easy to reach this state on your first, second, or even third attempt. Following these steps will accelerate your learning curve and help you avoid pitfalls from the most common mistakes. Here we are going to focus on achieving it while falling asleep.
Tip: Taking Galantamine with the WBTB method will increase your chances of experiencing this state.
Hypnagogic & Hypnopompic States
Hypnagogia is the state of consciousness leading into sleep, whereas the hypnopompic state is experienced leading out of sleep. During these states, you might experience: visual imagery, sounds that aren’t there, and sensations in your body.
Feeling a strong vibration oscillating throughout your entire body is common. This from your dream body separating from your physical body as you enter the dream world.
Sleep Paralysis
This is a dead giveaway that you are in a state of Mind Awake Body Asleep.
Realize that sleep paralysis is natural and occurs every time you dream. Most of the time you are unconscious when it happens, but this time you will become aware of it. You will only be able to control your eyes and breathing, so it can be quite scary if you aren't ready for it.
Once you have achieved Mind Awake Body Asleep you’re one step away from entering a WILD.