Nap Induced Lucid Dream

A nap induced lucid dream is simply the technique of using a nap to promote lucid dreaming. It's more than just taking a nap and becoming lucid though. Learn how to optimize your naps and you can become lucid at any time of day.

Many people find that naps are a great way to have lucid dreams and even increase the chances of becoming lucid later that night. You may even find that you experience more lucid dreams during a "siesta" than at night.

If you don't want to wait until tonight to try experiencing a lucid dream, take a nap. They can be had at any time during the day!

In order to put yourself in the best position to achieve a nap induced lucid dream, here are a few key pointers:

REM Rebound. To have longer periods of REM sleep during a nap, try the REM Rebound Effect. This technique manipulates your REM cycle to your advantage by putting you in an optimal state for dreaming.

Best time to nap. Naps can generally be taken anytime between one hour after waking up until about 3pm (unless you have an unorthodox schedule). Afternoon is ideal.

Improve your chances for later. Whenever I take a nap during the day, it increases my chances of becoming lucid later that night. So don't worry if you you didn't become lucid during your nap. See if it helps you later.

The Nap Advantage

Naps have a distinct advantage over nighttime sleep when it comes to REM sleep. As you know, REM sleep is when most dreaming occurs.

When you fall asleep at night, it takes 90 minutes for your first REM cycle to begin. By the time you reach this point, you are coming out of a deep sleep, making it harder to be conscious of your dreams.

Naps, on the other hand, usually start with a REM cycle. This makes napping ideal for attempting Wake Induced Lucid Dreams (WILDs)

The next time you try having a nap induced lucid dream, try to keep your awareness through the transition from awake to asleep. When you are able to remain conscious of this shift, you are able to travel seamlessly into a lucid dream.

This can be accomplished by relaxing your body, but keeping your mind alert. The more relaxed your body is, the easier it will be.

It does take some practice and concentration, so try to incorporate this technique into all of your naps.

If you find it hard to accomplish a WILD, try practicing dream incubation in order to have a Dream Induced Lucid Dream (DILD).

Nap Tips

Think quick naps. 10-30 minutes is ideal. Napping for too long can be counterintuitive and make you more groggy and tired than you were before. 

Don't nap in the evening. I recommend taking a nap no later than 3pm. If you take one too close to your bedtime, you won't be tired when it's time to fall asleep at night.

Exercise. Physical activity will help relax your body and put you in a great state for a refreshing nap.

Don't mimic your bedtime. Stay away from napping in your bed or in similar nighttime conditions. You've conditioned your body to sleep through the night when you lay down in bed. Instead, try napping on a comfy recliner or couch.

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